As the festive season is upon us, what artwork would suit this website more than the above depicted ‘Flower of Life Mandala’? It is designed by Minke de Hulster, mandala-drawing teacher at the Volks University Netherlands. I’m convinced a lot of contemplation went into it!

The wishes on this card also suit different types of holidays where we wish each other well. For us over here we’re having the typical ‘dark days before Christmas’ due to less sunhours. It coïncides with the solstice, and the world wide togetherness, or our unity consciousness that is activated in us all, through music, art, films, and the new years festivities.

What do you wish for the new year? For sure, it must be a bit of a magical year to come, due to the powerful number 2020! Also, the last day of this month heralds the transition to the third decennium of the 21th century! Verily, another milestone in history and something to be celebrated!

This weekend is accompanied by the solstice happening all round the world, at the same instant for everyone, everywhere on Earth! Depending on the area and timezone you live in, this is saturday the 21th or sunday 22th of december 2019. This years celestial event is almost halfway the full moon (Last year the full moon and solstice were on the same day or very close, if I remember well).

In the Netherlands we’re having our winter solstice on sunday december 22th at 05:19 MET (04:19 GMT), which is the shortest day of the year and thus the longest night. But since the sunlight hours will be increasing from now on, it feels a bit as the start of a new year as well.

It is also the beginning of the astronomical winter, whereas the meteorological winter starts at the 21th of december. And at the other half of our vast planet starts the beginning of summer! But no matter where we are, we’ll leap into the future together.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Margreet Otto

© 2019 | Margreet Wilschut



By Gerrit Jan Ruijg, MSc.

Recently, hydrogen has been mentioned as an energy supplier, and as an alternative to fossil sources. Yet I have my doubts whether hydrogen is such a good idea. My main consideration for hydrogen is the chain efficiency: on the route from electricity to hydrogen, and back to electricity, you lose at least half the energy en route, or: you need more than twice as many wind turbines and solar panels than with direct use of electricity.

From the point of view of efficiency, much more electricity is needed, but that is often dismissed by saying that it does not matter if it all becomes cheaper. But for the time being it will not be all that cheap, the average price that turbines and panels receive for their electricity must be so high that they are recouped within their lifetime. That is still several cents per kWh.

I therefore think that interest in hydrogen is a result of pre-occupation with fuel. Or do oil- and gas companies want us to believe that we cannot do without fuel? After all, it’s their last chance to stay in business… (or is it a desperate offensive?).

Electricity transport
Then you naturally wonder: what is a better alternative? Answer: long-distance electricity transmission. This is done through direct current, internationally known as: ‘High Voltage Direct Current’.

Why long-distance electricity transport?
Electricity is difficult to store, and that certainly applies to seasonal storage. But it is very easy -and almost completely without loss- to transport over thousands of kilometers. The wind always blows somewhere, and half of the Earth is mostly bathed in sunlight.

Leap forward into the future
The Netherlands already took a leap into the future in 2008 with the NorNed cable between Southern Norway and Eemshaven, which transports electricity over 580 km with a loss of around 4.5%. The BritNed cable between London and Europoort was added in 2011, and the CoBrA cable between Denmark and Eemshaven will soon be online.

Extension cord
In China a connection of more than 3000 km has recently been put into operation, and the Chinese are already waving the extension cord (electric silk route, geidco.org, etc.).
50 years ago, the American architect, inventor and visionary Richard Buckminster-Fuller stated that if you connect all the electricity networks of the world, there is always enough energy available for everyone.

If you are interested in long-distance electricity transmission, I would like to provide you with more information. You can CONTACT via the form at the bottom of the INFO page. Please place the frase ‘Energy Grid’ at the top of your message.

Gerrit Jan Ruijg, MSc.

Energy system analyst (from home to global scale)
Previously employed at ECN Petten Netherlands.

Source: www.margreetotto.net



Do you love the sight of a full moon, and its mesmerizing radiance in a starry night sky? Then you probably also like this painting. It was made by Maria Clara Eimmarta (1676-1707), who was a German astronomer and designer.

She engraved this painting with the help of data derived from telescopes in her father’s observatory, analysed by both herself and fellow astronomers. Its Latin title is: ‘Plenilunium Pinxit ad Archetypum’, which means ‘Full Moon Painted as Archetype’.

And how beautifully she depicted the moon’s structures and craters! As I was pondering on those, I travelled a bit in my imagination to the times of yore. Back then people thought these vast dark spots on the moon were actually oceans (which they might have been at some point). Thus they actually called such lunar crater a ‘Maere’, which is the old English word for Lake. It stems from the Latin (and Spanish) word ‘Mar’, which in these languages means ‘Sea’ or ‘Ocean’.

In Duch language, Maere is spelled as ‘Mare’. As English readers read this word  however, they will tell us that’s a horse, and the female version of it. But in Dutch language, Maere is written as ‘Mare’, and has the meaning of lake, as well as ‘Tiding’ or ‘a Message that buzzes around’.

And while contemplating on this Dutch word ‘Mare’, I found it a bit confusing, as apart from its meaning in other languages such as ‘Horse’, ‘Lake’, ‘Sea’ (German), ‘Tiding’ and ‘Message’, it can also be written as ‘Meer’ (with the meaning of  Lake in Dutch), which can be compared to ‘Mere’ (with the meaning of Lake in Old English)

And… it also means ‘Lunar Crater’ in Dutch. Added tot his, there are also other meanings of ‘Mare’ referring to the Dutch word ‘Maar’ (which means ‘But’ in English), but these have a different etymological origin and are not related to this article.

Now, I’m not sure what you think of this, but it was mind boggling to me. I had to at least edit this artile a hundred times in order to get the information in the right following order, while having new insights every time.

But that’s not all there’s to it. For all of these Dutch meanings of the word ‘Mare’, it is pronounced differently at the vowels ‘a’ and ‘e’. There is no English word to my knowledge that produces a comparable sound. Probably it’s phonetically closer to the Latin version? It is also interesting though to see how the word ‘Mare’ that stems from this, is used in other languages, also in old writings.

Mare Liberum
For example, the Latin ‘Mare Nostrum’ (mar’ e nos’ trum), means ‘Our Sea’. And the ‘Mare Liberum’ (mar’ e lib’ er um), stands for ‘Free Ocean’. The latter is the title of a 17th century manuscript published in 1609 by Hugo de Groot, commissioned by the Dutch ‘United East India Shipping Company’ (V.O.C. 1604-1606). In this he argues for ‘A free passage of all seas, the right for all peoples’.

And it’s interesting to mention, as it formed the base of international law for the principle of ‘Free access, travel and trade to all oceans for all countries.’ To this day, this law is still used for international waters, that is, the oceans and seas outside the territorial waters.

The word ‘Mare’ has also been used for ‘Lake’ in other languages. And quite often it seems to be interchangeable with the word ‘Sea’. Compare the German ‘Meer’ (which means Sea), and the German ‘See’ (which means Lake), versus the Dutch ‘Meer’ (Lake) and the Dutch ‘Zee’ (Sea).

In French it is ‘Mer’ (Sea), and as stated before, in Old & Middle English ‘Mere’ also occurs in the meaning of Lake. This usually concerns a shallow water, surrounded by landmass. A ‘Mare’ can therefore also be a mountain lake.

More in particular, once the fire of a fire-breathing volcano is finally extinguished, and the Earth’s heat diminished, the process of cooling down sucks the topsoil inward -just like a bubbling plum pudding when taken off the heat- while the lava solidifies and a crater is formed. As such, a hollow basin, it collects water by rain, and a lake fills in. Interestingly a lunar crater and a volcano crater, and respectively the sea and lake that are formed therein, are both called a ‘Mare’.

Dutch author Marieke de Vrij of ‘De Vrije Mare’ Foundation, puts it like this:
“A ‘Mare’ is a lake on top of a volcano that is no longer active, in which the sun and the moon shine and tides are mirrored by an ever changing celestial landscape. A Mare is also a message that buzzes around, resonating in freedom.”

What a beautiful image! Indeed, in the Dutch dictionary, the word ‘Mare’ is actually described as ‘Tiding’ and ‘Hearsay’ (Gerucht). This is a bit of older language, where Dutch people would say: ‘De Mare gaat’, literally meaning: ‘The Mare goes’, hinting to a message that buzzes around.

But strange enough, another word in the Dutch dictionary is referring to mare in the meaning of female horse, although most Dutch people are not familiar with it. And indeed, at the word ‘mare’ itself, it isn’t mentioned. This particular Dutch word is ‘Maarschalk’, meaning ‘Marshal’ in English. And here the word ‘Mare’ comes back, albeit transformed both in English and Dutch language.

At ‘Maar’schalk’ it says: ‘Mare’ = ‘Merrie’ + ‘Scalc’ = ‘Servant’ (later ‘Groomsman’). And ‘Merrie’ is the Dutch word for mare meaning female horse! Interestingly, the Dutch word ‘Merrie’ sounds like ‘Merry’ of the ‘Merry-go-round’. And this is simultanous in English language, where we see the Mare also appearing in ‘Mar’shall’.

It should be mentioned that in English language mare can also stand for a female donkey, although less often used. In Dutch language we have a different distinction. In biology though, the noble donkey belongs to the family Equidae, which includes horses and zebras.

Well Known
Another different word in the Dutch dictionary in which we see ‘Mare’ processed is ‘Vermaard’. Here the ‘maar’ in the middle of the word doesn’t refer to horse, but to the meaning of ‘Well-known’. The readers are referred back to: see ‘Mare’, where (as stated earlier) it is described as ‘Tiding’ and ‘Hearsay’. At ‘Ver’maar’d’ though, it gives examples of the Dutch expresson ‘Vermaard zijn’ as ‘Being well-known’ (or even being famous). This is usually in the context of a person being well known in the area and sometimes abroad. (in Dutch: ‘Een persoon die wijd en zijd vermaard is’).

The Buzz
To be honest, figuring out all of the different meanings of ‘Mare’ was quite a puzzle, but obviously some of those are interlinked. Now it makes sense when words such as ‘vermaard’ (being famous) and ‘marshal’ are somehow connected. In the past a Marshal had the function to arrange and direct the ceremonial aspects of a gathering, in order to officially proclaim a message. These were performed by the stable master or the dignity advisor at a royal court, who would bring messages to other royal courts or noblemen, and announce them to the common people as well. Sometimes this would be carried out with trumpets and flags by marshals on horseback who may have travelled long distances.

Just imagine: In those times there was no internet, television or radio. Nor, to our knowledge, was there any means of transport other than the slow travelling for days or weeks on foot, or on horseback (sometimes also other animals, and messages transmitted by birds). Therefore, a ‘Mare’ was hither and thither seen and experienced as a message that buzzes around for the areas it travelled through.

To the Moon and Back
Nowadays messages are conveyed so much faster, and in many different ways as well. But how do you feel about the world at large today? Quite often we see bad news on television, radio and the internet, as many systems of value on our planet seem to be out of balance and some are even endangered. So how do we deal with that?

It would be wonderful if together we can succeed to voluntary act for the benefit of planet Earth and humanity as a whole. Where one day hopefully good tidings will prevail. Thankfully, back to this day and age, the moon has seen it all, but is still here for us, and when lucky with a clear starry sky, we can enjoy its brilliant luminosity!

© 2019 | Margreet Wilschut



Around the 21th of October, halfway the meteorological autumn in the Northern Hemisphere, most fruit on the trees have been harvested, as, depending on the weather, early night frost might set in. Depicted here is the hand of my grandson, who has picked a few apples of my apple tree!

This was actually a dream come true. For fun I had planted my first ever fruit tree on new year’s day of 2019, which appeared to be a pear tree, and two apple trees that same week. For early winter the temperature was still very mild, the sun was shining happily, and the weather forcast didn’t predict snow nor freezing temperatures, so I could actually do it.

While planting them, I envisioned my grandson harvesting fruit from these trees, probably within a few years when the trees would have grown tall. I was secretly hoping though that the trees would at least produce a few small fruits next summer, and with lots of luck this summer, but I actually didn’t expect that to happen, as the trees were still young. (I’ll place a picture of them just planted, later in this article). I felt regret, and thought of this Chinese proverb which states:

      “The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago,

       the second best time to plant a tree is NOW!”

I felt so stupid, why didn’t I plant these trees way earlier? Well I have a few explanations for that, but anyhow, this was the situation.
And for whatever reason, one of the trees must have felt my wish, or was able to magically produce a few glossy big appels which grew increadibly red and sweet!

People mentioned they looked like Snow-white’s apples, indeed I thought this myself, but there’s no poison in these (except for the seeds which are toxic and aren’t edible), as my yard is fully organic and dynamically grown, with a bit of natural compost. (no pesticides nor artificial fertilizer). Also I figured, in a paradise like situation on our planet, Adam and Eve would certainly have picked them too.

Anyhow, as this website is still a work in progress, I would love to mention that if there’ll be a society founded to establish a hectare grid on Earth, I would love the foundation to host a database of original* native fruittrees, nut trees, berry bushes and evergreen trees, for all 4 climate zones! (*original, no cultivars).

People who would want to settle on kindomains can go to such a database, in order to get information on how to propagate and grow trees succesfully. Oh and yeah, probably herbs, vegetables and flowers too.

Wouldn’t it be nice to have this being established by the common people? These could be individuals and/or organisations which have practical experience and knowledge about everything involved. And it can be approached from different diciplines too. Such as contributions from artists, photographers, writers, etcetera.

I know, it’s a bit ambitious and I can’t do this all by myself (lol), but I’m putting the wish here, just in case there would be more people out there who also might want such a thing to happen!

© 2019 | Margreet Wilschut



Although I don’t buy trinkets that have to be dusted often, I do love a bit of decoration in my house for creating a warm and homely atmosphere. And I found that the mosaic lights I bought a while ago are really nice!

They are small glass bowls with a light in them, each containing a metal lid with mini solar panels. So you put them outside, or in the windowsill in a sunny place to recharge, and in the evening and at night you have a kind of candle light. It’s a little brighter though, you can read a book so to speak, when you keep the pages close to it. But cosy it is!

And suddenly in the evening, I had this sense of wonder. I was staring nicely into the lights in the dark. I thought, how is it, you just have sunlight at night. I’m looking at stored sunlight. In my living room. And I find that so special!

And for my second aha moment, I had in fact a kind of ‘luminous’ idea (or so I think :-). It was during the day when I looked at the mosaic pattern of the glass bulb holders, and thought, oh yes, that would also be nice for the basis of the construct of an energy grid around the Earth:

Three broad horizontal orbits around the earth, one around the equator, one in the northern hemisphere and one in the southern hemisphere. Take a look at the blue mosaic bowl and see it as our globe, and imagine, you are now looking at Oceania (which covers around 70% of Earth’s surface):

Here comes the Sun
Once inspired by a pioneer broadcast of the Dutch television program ‘Tegenlicht’ (meaning ‘Back light’), which is entitled ‘Here comes the Sun’, I find such an energy grid around our planet a true outcome.

But also other initiatives I find interesting, such as intelligent engineering by organizations related to solar powered parks, and other nature plants worldwide, for example those which generate energy through tidal power, or by using the warmth derived from shallow earthlayers, and by generating energy through some wind turbines here and there.

Direct Current
Why the emphasis on solar power? Because the sun always shines somewhere, and therefore the energy can be distributed over the entire globe via a symmetrical grid of 3 horizontal orbits, and several vertical ones, via direct current (DC).

As such, it could run through an underlying hexagonal grid. So you have always matched the energy supply and demand, because DC goes almost as fast as the light and requires no storage capacity.

Energy delivery
I’m wondering if such a system could be used to power hectare villages as well. It could look like this: Two connection points for energy delivery per village plot. Such a village may consist of a maximum of 150 hectares and has the shape of a hexagon which has six corner points.

One corner point faces the geographic north of the Earth, hence the opposit corner point faces south. The two energy connection points distribute the energy equally over the village. One energy unit is halfway the northern corner point, the other halfway the southern point.

Transport public & goods
The worldwide energy grid could also be used for an international transport net, in favour of our high speed railway systems for public transport and the distribution of goods, (while discouraging international air traffic for tourism).

I myself think that this is the future, perhaps it is still a long way off, because it will also be a while before mankind has reached a certain ‘state of enlightenment’ in order to achieve something like that in an organized manner, and with all safety measures, for which we have to consciously co-create, with respect to all life forms. As for the enlightenment, you might have guessed this is a double imagery!

Resource based economy
Please let us stop exploiting our fellow human beings and nature through all kinds of revenue models. Instead, will we try to create valuable conditions for all people, which will enable us to generate a quality of life, while restoring our beautiful planet at the same time? This might be possible, because the resource-based economy is on the rise.

A resource-based economy is based on our labour as well as all natural resources and the abundant replenishment of it, caused by US. Hence, instead of exploiting Nature in all the ways you can imagine, we can also achieve the opposite, such as: respecting nature & regenerating, infiltrating, repairing, re-creating, restoring, co-creating, organizing and distributing nature. Isn’t it obvious? So it’s coming.

Electric fields
Moreover, solar panels on the roofs of houses and office buildings are not your thing, because they emit radiation to those who live and work beneath, because of the electric field that the panels generate, some experts told me. In addition, to cover a vast amount of seperate buildings may involve much more work than if we, as humanity, organize ourselves centrally.

Living Earth
Another advantage of building three of those orbits around our planet, and I think that is the main reason why I suddenly saw that in those mosaic lights, is because it is very important for the Earth itself as a living organism, that energy generation takes place in a safe and proportionate way around the globe, because well …, perhaps some kind of energetic peaks occur at all large-scale places of energy collection.

Unwanted radiation
I can imagine that vast electric fields are created in these areas, which, in combination with the reflection of sunlight, give off certain sparkles in the atmosphere, which could act as tiny focal points, but clustered together could cause some (unknown?) side effects.

Perhaps that has to do with radiation released by the generation of electricity, or because, for example, a part of the collected sunlight could not be channeled? I would like to know more about it.

Maybe we also have to consider the increased temperature on Earth, and a thinner stratosphere / ozone layer, so that the sun also has a more intensive effect, especially in the countries and continents where temperatures can rise above 40 C (104 F) for weeks or months.

Energetic level
Or, and that may sound strange: It also might have to do with some sort of energetic level, because sunlight is a living energy, it has a consciousness, so to speak. And probably it is also better for the Earth itself if those energy flows are balanced. Almost like a meridian energy. Something like that?

Our birds
And then you could see whether such power stations on a large scale could also influence the migration of birds and so on, for example because of the electro smog the solar fields generate.

Solar power
This article contains all in all a bit of unusual reasoning perhaps, and as a layman I certainly cannot substantiate that well, because I don’t have the technical know-how for that. But still, the thought intrigues me! Plus… the sun doesn’t send us a bill…

© 2019 | by Margreet Wilschut