This is part 7 in the making of the Conifers series. In hindsight, after writing all this, these articles are -more or less- intended for lay people in the field of Conifers, and are also written by a layman.
And most parts are quite long as well. They would almost fit in a book. Anyhow, this 7th article is about our current world, which is now in the year 2020. And the first week of january this year, we’re faced with millions of lost acres of primeval forests and ancient woods. How are we going to start up reforestation on such a vast scale, much larger than our individual homely hectare-units, these small plots of land?
Thankfully many governments are picking up on it, we’re talking billions of trees. But how can we as common citizens, also organise ourselves to support the global ecosystem restoration? And if we want nature back in it’s full glory, how can we search for heirloom primeval or original trees and seeds?
It is common sense in a way, to not rebuild forests with cultivated seeds nor with artificial genetically altered trees. This is due to the fact that once the trees have reached the reproductive age, which is for conifers around 20 years, they’ll not be able to reproduce.
Now what defines good quality trees? And why is it so important to get back to nature in its original form, the way it has grown until the point humanity started exploring it without refunding? Well there are several reasons… (To be continued).
©2019 | Margreet Wilschut